House Calls 4 Pet Sitting

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House Calls Pet Sitting is Helping you to  Find a Pet Sitter

You may have come to this page from our website locator.  At this time, we may not be offering our professional and real pet sitting services in your town.  Below are a few options to help you find a pet sitter that is a professional.


We can help you find a pet sitter for your zip code.

Find  a pet sitter that is a Professional,  In Your Neighborhood:

Find A Pet Sitter

        To Find a Pet Sitter, Click Here: “Pet Sitter Locator”    

 Pet Sitter Locator List is information that is provided simply as a courtesy and we assume no liability in making this contact information available to the  general public.

Sitting and Dog Walking

Pet Sitter International Locator

Pet Sitters International locator

  PSI also encourages pet owners to check references on any pet sitter prior to hiring.

PSI encourages pet owners to #GetARealPetSitter and offers the largest online directory of professional pet sitters.

Sitting and Dog Walking

Pet Sitter Locator List and PSI  is information that is provided simply as a courtesy and we assume no liability in making this contact information available to the  general public.

Sitting and Dog Walking

Click here to read the Pet Owners Plan For Pet Sitters

   Sitting and Dog Walking               

Would you like to open you very own “House Calls Sitting Office”?

Sitting and Dog Walking            


Book your pet care needs for:  when you are working long hours, taking vacations, long weekend or business trips using our on line forms.

We all know pets do not care for change, and most are nervous at the veterinarians, others feel sad and abandoned at the kennel. “There is no place like home!” for pets.

If they cannot go with you they can now stay home and remain surrounded by their families smells while feeling secure that you will return home to them. Your pets are safe and cozy at home when you leave and at home well-loved and care for when you return.

Hiring the sitting services of professional pet sitter safeguards that your beloved pet(s) are happy and safe while you are away from home.



Thank you Lisa and Lu !!!

We moved to a new house so we lost our precious friend who babysitted our boy for 8 years. It was hard to even think about any vacation because it meant we had to find the best babysitter for Leonardo. My friend highly recommended Lisa Burks and her company House Calls 4 Pet.  Just talking to Lisa first... More

Thank you Yuliana, for taking the time to share your experience with the care of your special boy while you were away!

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