Sojos makes several lines of raw pet food and all natural treats that are made in the USA with healthy grain-free (gluten-free) ingredients from human-quality suppliers. Healthy, simple, easy-to-prepare nutrition for your dogs and cats, who deserve the very best.
Sojos raw, shelf-stable dog and cat food is gluten-free and formulated for maximum absorption of nutrients that your dogs and cats thrive on for optimal health and well-being. Just add water so Sojos Complete Turkey, Complete Beef, or Complete Turkey Cat Food for a grain-free/gluten-free raw pet food diet. Want to control your protein source? Add your own meat and water to Sojos Original or our Grain-Free Fruits and Veggie Mix. Sojos Treats are baked using ingredients you would find in your own kitchen. Blueberries, strawberries, peanut butter, chicken, honey, carrots, etc. Don’t forget about the cats! Sojos Catnip is organically grown and harvested from the Cascade Mountains of Washington.
We offer a variety of grain-free options in our full line of all-natural pet food. Unlike kibble, Sojos has no fillers, no preservatives, and no artificial colors or flavors. Just simple, real ingredients like you’d find in your own kitchen.
Must Know Information in this blog. What could be happening to your dry food?