House Calls 4 Pet Sitting

Pet Sitter Locator

The Pet Sitter locator helps you find your personal pet sitter in your neighborhood.

Pet sitting is an affordable substitute to the kennel, with the bonus services offered that go beyond those of a kennel. A skilled pet sitter attends to your pets in the comfort of their home. Your pet sitter will make you feel comfortable knowing someone reliable is taking care of your pet and your house.

101 Pet Sitting encourages pet owners to check references on pet sitters prior to hiring. In addition, we recommend that pet owners read “Pets Prefer Pet Sitting” prior to setting up your initial meeting.

Thank you Lisa and Lu !!!

We moved to a new house so we lost our precious friend who babysitted our boy for 8 years. It was hard to even think about any vacation because it meant we had to find the best babysitter for Leonardo. My friend highly recommended Lisa Burks and her company House Calls 4 Pet.  Just talking to Lisa first... More

Thank you Yuliana, for taking the time to share your experience with the care of your special boy while you were away!

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